How to manage Blog frustration

Managing blogging frustration

Newbies in the world of blogging must have in one way or another experienced blog frustration. The truth is that blogging is indeed frustrating. A lot of people might not be aware of this because they are yet to get into the industry.

Only the faint-hearted give up in the long run. Those with the lion’s heart persevere to the end.

An Overview of Blogging Frustration

Over time, many bloggers have dropped their interest in blogging due to the time it requires to be sustained.

Starting a blog is super easy and interesting but its sustainability is something else.

Sustaining a blog requires your time and money.

Feel free to look at this article which has to do with the requirements for blogging.

Many who created a blog and quit, in the long run, are those who became frustrated and never wanted to continue again.

Blogging needs more of your attention and more of your financial resources. This includes the posting of new items and editing or rewriting of old content to keep them up-to-date and relevant.

Also, blogging is frustrating when year after year, you are required to renew your domain and host plan.

People who don’t have time or the money to run a blog won’t be able to sustain it.

Therefore, it is important to discuss what you must do to avoid being frustrated through blogging (both for beginners and already existing bloggers).

Blogging is a lucrative business that matures over time. It is not an immediate money-making venture.

In this post, we shall be looking at some of the frustrations that people encounter during blogging and possible ways to manage these problems.

Managing Frustration from Blogging

Managing blog frustration

1. Avoid creating a second blog

If your new blog has not started making money what is the need to create a new one?

Creating a new blog is like accumulating more frustration for yourself.

The reason is that you will still need to start all over again to design, create new content and also maintain the site.

Maintaining a single site is very difficult, then, imagine what will happen when you have two sites.

To avoid any frustration from your blog, do well to avoid creating a new website.

If maybe you have the intention of discarding your previous site for a reason, then you are welcome to create a new one.

2. Write contents you can read

Many people form the habit of writing anything that comes to their minds and publishing it.

You, on the other hand, have you thought of creating content that even you will be proud to read?

Google will always tell you to write content for humans and not for bots.

All content on Google is supposed to be solving one problem or the other. In a situation where you are writing content that can’t help anyone, you have to keep your mind away from succeeding in the world of blogging.

3. Take a break

Taking a break is part of managing blog stress

When you feel that the frustration is becoming unbearable, it is advised you take a break.

Taking a break doesn’t mean quitting. It means that you want to go and renew yourself and come back more prepared.

Taking a break when things are getting tough in blogging is usually recommendable to avoid giving up.

Therefore, if you feel that you are not happy with the performance of your blog, try as much as possible to take a break.

4. Make money your secondary focus

It is true that because blogging is lucrative, a lot of people decided to go into it.

Because they are so highly in expectation at the early stages, they become frustrated when they can not get what they seek.

On most occasions, they become frustrated and wouldn’t want to continue any longer.

To avoid frustration in this world of blogging, you have to make money for a second purpose.

This means that you need to focus on the development of your blog. With time, the money will flow in.

If you build your site well, trust me, the money will flow in.

5. Learn from pro bloggers

Learn blogging from pros

It is wrong to think that in this world of blogging you can do things all by yourself.

That’s a fatal lie. Learn from people who are in the field already. Some people are already making millions if not billions from their blogs.

Learn from them. Listen to their success stories and find out how they succeeded with their blogs.

6. Trusting the process helps to reduce blog frustration

Blogging is not easy, trust the process

Never give up, trust the process. If and only if you know what you are doing in the world of blogging, you will make it.

Blogging can change your life completely for good. The big question is, are you doing what is required for your blog to stand out?

Money from blogging doesn’t come easily. This is why those without patience give up in the long run.

No matter how new your blog is, learn from the pros, invest in your blog, and trust the process.

7. Jot ideas/make research

Jotting ideas is one of blog Requirements
jot ideas when they pop-up

To avoid being frustrated in this blogging space, try as much as possible to blog on content that you have good knowledge of.

Secondly, always have a jotter with you. Anytime new information strikes your mind, try as much as possible to jot it down.

The mind can be tricky. No one knows if the topic that entered your mind would be the one that will shoot your blog to endless traffic.

Try as much as possible to jot down topics that crossed your mind. Later, you can organize them and create content out of them.

8. Define your blog to end blog frustration

Many people started with blogs that share content on almost all niches.

For a new blog, this is usually bad. I am saying this because I have passed through the same process.

Many things can frustrate someone in this space of blogging and an undefined blog is one of them.

Write content on a specific niche and not general topics. Maybe, when your blog finally develops, you can enlarge it to any length or size that you want.

9. Write attractive headlines

The first thing that attracts a reader to a blog is the headline or topic of a post.

It is therefore very necessary that you invest more time in generating the title of your post.

See this post on how to write catchy blog titles or topics

10. Avoid deceit

Another thing that can make someone give up on blogging is when he or she is hit by the dangers of deceit.

By deceit, I mean, writing headlines that are completely different from the content of your work.

You don’t expect any person to return to your site when he or she knows that your headlines tell a different thing from what the blog content says.

Therefore, always ensure that your blog topics or titles correspond with the blog contents

11. Plan your content

How often you post new items will also ease off any form of frustration.

This is why I always recommend that bloggers create timetables that will enable them to have time for themselves, their blog and other social activities.

12. Be simple with your content to avoid blog frustration

You don’t expect me to return to a website that I don’t understand anything from when I can get better understandable content from other blogs.

When this happens, your prospective readers will always divert to your competitors and this is not good for business.

Learn to write simple and easily understandable and engaging content to enable your readers wanting to return to your site for more helpful information.

Wrapping things up in blog frustration

Gone are the days when any person can write anything, publish it and begin to make money.

In this era, one must hustle or do the required things before he or she can make money from blogging.

The world of blogging is filled with lots of frustrations even to the extent that you will be forced to give up. Well, let me remind you, only the bloggers with a lionheart perseveres to the end.

And of course, they enjoy the fruit of their labour at the end of the day.

Hope this was helpful. Feel free to leave your comments.

Categorized as Review

By Sir Chike

Sir Chike is an Imo born teacher and actor. He studied at Alvan Ikoku Federal college of Education (AIFCE) Owerri, Imo state. He has obtained the following qualifications; 1. Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) in Political Science and Social Studies. 2. Bachelor in Education (B.Ed) in Social Studies