A lot of people all over the world keep on asking the question if they can make money with blogging.
The straightforward answer to this question is yes, yes, and yes.
If you have the intention of creating a blog to make money online, no one should discourage you.
But before you will start focusing your attention on the monetary aspect of the blog I would advise that you focus on site building first.
Put more interest in building your blog and of course, with time you will start making great figures from the blog.
Consider a blog as a real-life business. Your approaches to your real-life business should be the same approach to your blog.
A business that requires much effort to succeed will succeed.
Your blog will start bringing in money only when it is mature.
Make money with blogging: How long does it take a blog to mature?

For a blog to mature it means that the blog has accrued all it takes to pay the owner.
So, for you to start making money from your blog has to be mature enough.
Some authors have argued that it takes approximately 24 months (2 years) before one can start making a reasonable amount from their blogs.
Many authors have also argued that for blog owners to start making reasonable amounts from their blogs such blogs must be 12 months (1 year) or older.
Some people have also claimed that six (6) months is enough time for any blogger to start making money.
To me, whether it takes 6 months or more to start making money from any blog, what is more important is the fact that it is possible to make money from blogs.
The journey of Sir Chike
This blog was created in the early months of 2022.

The brain behind this blog had in mind to establish a platform where people can come and read more about financial freedom.
Also, it was part of my intention to write reviews on sites and apps that promise people money if they carry out certain tasks.
Also on our About Us page, I tried to inform our esteemed readers to be ready to welcome new helpful tools.
Some of these tools will help them in the digital world. Especially in the area of blogging.
Though I am still learning the required skills to build these digital tools. Also, as part of my promise, the tool will be available for free when launched.
Back to our journey
Sir Chike since it was launched has faced lots of ups and downs, especially in the areas of publication of new articles.
We are not focused on the money (which has not started coming in as expected) but we believe that someday, the site will start paying.
The major focus is to continue producing helpful content.
We don’t have any intention to derail from this objective even though the blog starts paying shortly.
I have the intention of growing this site into one of the great places where anyone can look up first when seeking helpful financial tips.
I also believe that with time, this desire will be achieved.
Wrapping things up on whether you can make money with blogging
Like I said earlier, you can make money from blogging if and only if you give it the required time and attention.
Lots of discouragement will come but your ability to manage these discouragements will shoot you to stardom.
Hope this helps. Please feel free to leave us your comments.