The love of money is becoming something else in our society today. There used to be a time when nobody was interested in making money.
Before, people had a desire to make money but were not nurturing the intention of “make money at all cost”.
Interestingly, today, the love of money is beyond explanation.
Every person seeks to make money, possibly, right from their mother’s womb.
I have seen children boldly tell their parents that school is a scam and they are more interested in making money.
Well, you don’t have to blame them completely since the leaders of the world have made it difficult for the younger generations to gain meaningful employment after school.
The desire to go to school died among youths when they figured out that it was difficult for even graduates to get jobs after school.
On many occasions, graduates end up working in companies owned and managed by those who did not go to school.
This is why you don’t have to blame the younger ones for preferring the chase of money rather than education.
Is it okay to love money

It is normal to love money, after all, you need it to survive in this world.
No one should talk you down when it comes to hustling to make money.
Loving money is not bad but it becomes bad when you are ready to do anything just to have it.
It, therefore, means that you are ready to sell your soul to the devil to make money.
On some occasions, people get involved in activities like stealing, armed robbery, rituals, prostitution, bribe, fraud etc only to make money.
Because of the desire to do anything whether good or evil to make money that is why the notion ‘it is bad to love money’ came into play.
There is nobody on this planet earth that does not love money.
It is because of the love of money that Elon Musk remained the world’s richest man today. It is also because of the love of money that Aliko Dangote, Otedola and many others remained the richest men in Nigeria.
Irrespective of the fact that these men and women of mass wealth have enough money that can feed their unborn generations, they still go ahead to seek more money.
That is just it. They have enough money but they still hustle to make more money.
So my last statement on whether it is okay to love money is, “yes, it is completely fine, wonderful, okay, and excellent to make money”.
Do I need to increase my love for money?
Like I said earlier, it is okay to love money. It is also very important to highlight that loving money should also be limited.
It is said that too much of anything is bad. Loving money excessively can push you into soiling your hands.
Because of your desire to make too much money, you might end up doing illegal things that will land you forever in jail.

I know of a young man who has been a good friend to my kid brother.
He had always complained to my brother about how he tried to commit suicide as a result of the depression that comes along with his inability to make money.
One faithful day, his name and picture were all over social media as a man caught with rifles attempting to rob a car on a highway.
Unknown to him, inside the car he tried robbing was a police officer who already had his gun. He shot the young armed robber in self-defence.
From the information I gathered, it was the young man’s first attempt as a highway armed robber.
He died and of course, he was unable to make that same money that led him to go into robbery. No wonder they say that the love of money is the root of evil.
Instigators Of The Love For Money
- Social Media
- Peer group influence
- Parents
- The desire for material things
- Lacking contentment
- Jealousy/wanting to be like others
Under this subheading, I will outline some of the factors I believe instigates love for money.
1. Social Media
One of the reasons people love money and are ready to do anything is because of social media.
Let me explain. When you see people regularly posting their success stories (even when some are fake), you become pushed to make your own money to be like them.
You would want to make your own money and start living such a lifestyle. Not only that, you would want to equally share on your social media handle your successful lifestyle.
2. Peer Group Influence
Another factor that instigates people to love money is as a result of the friends they keep.
When you keep friends who are always appearing in expensive clothes, shoes, jewellery, etc you would like to be like them.
Imagine finding yourself amid friends who are drinking beer and you are settled with a soft drink.
How does that look? Of course, you will be feeling inferior and intimidated.
This is why it is advisable you learn to cut your coat according to your cloth.
3. Parents
Another factor that instigates an individual to love money and want to do anything to make money is his or her parents.
This can be positive and also negative. It is positive when you want to make them proud and want to elevate them from their current financial status.
It is negative on the other hand when they intentionally make you feel inferior and compare you to other successful people.
Many parents are good at comparing their kids to their mates who are doing well.
- Also read how to Make money from your experience
When a child who is supposed to be protected by his family is being crucified for not making money by his parents, expect that child to want to do the worst to change his financial status.
No matter what, parents should always understand that there is no place like home. A child toils the whole day and comes back home to receive comfort.
This is because he knows that the best comfort he can ever get is from home.
So, you as a parent should desist from being the devil behind your children’s misfortune.
4. Desire For Material Things
Any person who has a strong desire for material things is bound to have so much interest to make money no matter what it would cost.
This is because he would need money to acquire those material things.
So because he/she can’t ordinarily acquire these things, he/she is ready to do anything to get money to acquire that material thing he/she wants.
5. Lacking Contentment
Contentment is the ability to be satisfied with what you have. It can also be called self-satisfaction.
Unfortunately, people who lack this virtue of contentment tend to do anything to get more than what they have.
They wouldn’t mind even though it would require them to get involved in illegal activities.
6. Jealousy/wanting to be like the others
The desire to be like others is what pushes a lot of people into doing things they are not supposed to do.
Some people ordinarily are not good at hustling endlessly to make money but because they want to be like others, they are ready to go the extra mile just to make money.
Wrapping Things Up

Making money is one of the things that everyone in society craves.
The love of money is okay but it becomes bad and inappreciable when you want to engage in illegal activities to make the money.
It is true that many people, because of their desire to make money quickly, go as far as selling their hearts to the devil to make the money.
Making money is good and very important if you must survive in this society. Also, it is important to follow the right ways recognised by law to make this money to avoid losing the money and equally losing your life in the long run.
Hope this was helpful. Feel free to leave us your comments.