Those in the news niche can make money from Adsense but the problem is their inability to get approval especially if their news blog is new in the blogging space.

For those in the news niche hoping to get Adsense Approval, I’ve got a simple trick you can apply in your blog to get approved by Adsense.
These days, getting approval from Adsense to start advertising on their platform is now a big problem.
Many new bloggers in the news niche are already feeling frustrated because they are not being approved.
Have you for long been rejected constantly by Adsense? Okay don’t worry, I have a trick for you.
If you will keep on reading, I will show you the simple trick I used in my other blog to get Adsense approval.
Please Note: this trick that you are about to read is legal and shouldn’t contain any form of harm. It is exclusive to news sites.
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The wrong site’s behaviour inhibits Adsense approval for a news niche or other sites.
It is advised that you avoid every content that will go against Google’s privacy policies.
This is because, no matter how you try to trick Google, you will never be accepted into their advertising platform.
Having known this, let us take a look at the two followings;
- Why your site is not approved
- How to get it approved
Why your news niche is not approved
Many things might surround your news niche’s inability to be approved.
This might be as a result of any of the following
- Low contents
- Violent contents
- Pornographic contents
- Your site is too new
- Less valuable content
- Copying and pasting (no unique content)
- Promoting hate
- Site structure
- Relevant pages etc.
Let’s break the above into bits
1. Low contents
Don’t expect Google or Adsense to approve your news site if only what you post is a post with little content.
If you indulge in publishing content with less than 300 words, then you have no other person to blame but yourself.
Yoast will advise you to publish content with not less than 300 words while Rankmath will advise you to write at least a minimum of 600 words.
Try to go with the advice of any of these two SEO tools. It will help you a great lot.
A post in a news niche always has small content especially if the writer or reporter was not there present.
You can imagine a story that was reported by an eyewitness and the one that was reported by a person who was not there at the scene of the incident but heard from another source.
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And when the person who is reporting the story he/she heard from another source, he/she tends to summarize the story in the way he/she could recall.
So you need to increase your content if you are eying Adsense approval.
Are you understanding what we are discussing? Let’s get to the next reason your site might not be approved.
2. Violent content(s)
If your news niche contains violent content (disturbing pictures/videos) like where people are fighting, the collapse of a building, child abuse, war, etc please be assured that your site can’t be approved.
It is against Adsense community standards so you must learn to deviate from it.
No matter how tempted you are to publish the trend which might contain any of the above mentioned, please deviate from publishing gurry images/videos.
3. Pornographic contents
Another form of stories you must run away from as a news blogger is any story that has to do with pornography.
Google Adsense hates it with passion. Please stay clear.
Do not write, do not post anything that has to do with pornography.
It is against Adsense community standards please stay away from it.
4. Your news blog is too new
If your blog is too new you should understand with Google that they don’t trust you yet.
Google wouldn’t want to waste their platform on sites that are not regularly updated or sites that are likely going to be left behind by the owner.
The number of weeks your blog has survived and the constant ways you are uploading new content would make Google find faith in you.
Just like it is in a relationship. You don’t start trusting people immediately after you meet them.
Trust in a relationship takes time to grow. The same is also applicable with Google wanting to approve your site. They try to understand what your site is all about and how often you update and upload new content.
Are you following? Let’s get to understand the next point.
5. Less valuable contents in your news niche
It is possible to write a blog post of 50k words and still not get approved.
This is because Google values quality to quantity.
If your news is just a post with many words offering little to no value, Adsense won’t approve your website.
Sharing the same story shared by many news websites sometimes discourages Adsense from showing adverts on new news websites.
This is why you need to read to the end so that you will see how you can trick Google to get your site approved.
6. Copying and pasting
This one is one of the enemies of Google. Google hates it with passion.
Why create a blog when you know you are not ready to write and share your helpful information?
Copying and pasting other people’s content is a big problem all new bloggers, especially those in the news niche must run away from.
7. Promoting hate
Are you using your news niche to promote hate? While Google is pushing for ways to make the world a better place, you want to use their platform to make money while you are doing the opposite of what they said you should do.
It is only a mad man that can be sweeping his room and still request for his neighbour to fill his cleanroom with filths.
If you intend to use Adsense to show adverts in your blog then you must avoid promoting hate.
8. Site structure
Another thing that can deter you from getting Adsense approval is the way your site is structured.
If Google understands that your site is difficult to navigate trust me you won’t get your Adsense approved.
You must ensure that relevant content like pages and posts are easily navigated.
Your site should be user-friendly. By user-friendly, I mean a responsive site that someone can easily go through and find what he or she is looking for.
If you have a site with lots of content you can consider adding a search button so that people can use it to search for what they are looking for in your blog.
9. Relevant pages in your news niche
Getting approval from Adsense needs not just a well structured responsive website but also a site that has some relevant pages.
These pages include the privacy policy, about us, contact us page and others.
Ensure you have these pages readily available before you can think of applying for Adsense.
Now let’s discuss in brief the actual reason why we shared this post.

Get Adsense Approval for a News Niche using this legal trick
We all know that Google is paying more attention to sites that bring new things into the space.
Sharing the same story that many media/news blogs are sharing on the internet sometimes leads to Google repeatedly crawling different sites with the same information.
Because Google needs something new that is why you’ll need to bring in something new.
News is all about stories of what has happened and the possibility of what is to happen.
Those in the news niche are cashing out thousands if not millions after getting Adsense approval. This unique trick will enable you to get quick approval
Now the trick is this, try and tell fictitious stories.
In your blog, create a category for fictional stories where you can tell fiction.
Fictitious stories are self-drafted. They are created by you and by implications they are very very unique.
Google has never seen such kind of story before.
Now write about 20 fictional stories and also share your news.
After you have achieved this within two weeks or more, reapply for Adsense approval and see the magic.
I have tried this method and it worked perfectly well.
Tell fictional stories and also, never stop sharing your news content.
Please Note: while you share those fictional stories, always inform your readers that what they’ve read or what they are about to read is a fictional story.
Getting a new news niche approved by Adsense is usually difficult. This is why I have shared with you a method that worked perfectly well for me.
Please note that this trick might not work for you because of some reasons.
If your site did not fail in keeping to the rules and regulations set aside by Adsense I don’t see any reason why it shouldn’t be approved.
Hope this information was helpful? Feel free to leave us a comment.