If you are new in the blogging environment, there are some requirements expected of you.
Don’t be scared, the requirements are not things you cannot provide.
Domain name and Host
For you to start blogging you will need a domain name and a host.
Getting this name and host will require you to buy them from trusted vendors.
Meanwhile, if you wish to start blogging without spending a dime, feel free to check this post.
Get A Domain
Getting a domain name that will suit your blog is indeed fun but demanding.
It will require you to go through many meaningful words relevant to your niche.
This process is usually demanding because not one minute or two is required when thinking of what name to give your domain.
In most cases, your preferred domain name might have been taken by someone else. This will make you go back to the thoughts of what name to give your domain.
When you have found a suitable name, do well to visit Harmonweb.com or speedyconnect.com.
Create a profile with any of them and buy a domain name. You will have the option to buy either a .com or .org or .com.ng etc extension.
You are free to make any choice of your own. Don’t forget to use my referral link to make your purchase more affordable.
Host your domain
Let’s assume you have bought your domain name, another thing you will have to do is buy a host.
It is always advisable to buy both domain and host at the same time to avoid unnecessary repetition of processes.
launching your site
After buying your site domain name and host from either Speedyconnect or Harmonweb, they can launch the site for you free of charge.
Your job is to provide them with your desired username and password. With that done they will launch your site in just a twinkle of an eye.
Writing Skill as one of the requirements of blogging
Having a domain name and hosting the site are not just the things required for your site.
You also need the skill of writing. It is unnecessary to be a professor in English before you can own a site.
As long as you can write what people can read and understand, you are good to go.
Consistency is one of the requirements for blogging
If you want to make it big with your blog, consistency is paramount.
You cannot be publishing content once or twice a month and expect the money to roll in.
Your blog is like the water you drink. Meaning that you will need to post new articles regularly.
A blog that is treated as a real business grows and excels as a real business.
Consistency is necessary as long as perfection in the world of blogging is concerned.
Being consistent allows you to learn more about blogging and how best to put into use the new knowledge you get about blogging.
Learning Ability as one of the requirements for blogging
Another requirement for blogging is to develop learning ability.
This ability will help you to know how best to generate traffic for your blog and also know what is better not done in the world of blogging.
Conscious of your blogs admin area
As a new person in the blogging environment, it will be wrong to carelessly activate or deactivate buttons in your blog.
Anything you don’t have an idea of its function, it is advisable you browse the internet or ask questions to know more about it.
Avoid the activation and deactivation of in your admin dashboard to avoid damaging your site. Anything you don’t know, ask questions and you shall get the response you need.
Build a team
Another requirement for blogging is a team of bloggers. Though, this requirement is not necessary because many have personally developed their sites into superclass blogs without the help of anyone.
If you think you will have little or no time for your blog, it is advised you find a team who will consistently post contents to keep it active.
Finance is a requirement for blogging
Despite the money required for buying of domain name and host, you still need money to keep the blog active.
If you are hiring anyone to design the site for you, of course, you will need to pay the person.
Also, if you have a team that will be working on the site, you will need to pay them, unless they are your friends who wish to do it for you free of charge.
You will need money to renew the domain name and host when it expires.
Also, you will need money to buy data which you will use to access the internet and lots more.
No matter how you want to cut costs, always keep in mind that you will need finance to run your blog.
At a point, your blog will start sustaining itself and also pay you back a hundred folds the money spent on it.
The money you can make from your blog can be enough to pay for a 20-year domain renewal (solely depends on how you treated it).
Feel free to check this post to help you know when you should start expecting money from your new blog.
Wrapping things up in blogging requirements for a complete beginner
As a beginner, it is fun when you launch your site. At all times you will always want to be publishing new items.
When you notice that the traffic is not coming, that is when you begin to feel bad.
Sometimes you will have the feeling of suspending it and think of something better to engage your time with.
I must encourage you at this point to never give up or relent. What you are passing through is not just experienced by you. Many people who passed through that process and today are successful through their blogs became successful because they persevered.
Don’t be afraid, your blog will start paying you at a particular time but much work is needed to achieve that.
Hope this was helpful. Feel free to leave us your comments.