In almost all fields of human endeavour, scammers are found. In this post, I shall be sharing with us the common reasons why people are easily scammed regularly.
Money is of course one of the leading factors for societal sustainability.
That is to say, society needs money to survive.
Not only the society, but even people found in the society also need money to survive.
Because of this quest for survival people are doing everything humanly possible to make money.
And because they are ready to do anything possible to be rich, they fall into the hands of scammers.
So let’s take a look at some of the reasons people are easily scammed.
Reasons people easily fall to scammers
1. Love for money
The love for money is becoming an alarming issue in our society today.
Even a 3-year-old child already knows what money is all about.
I could remember some time ago when a child was crying before his visiting uncle.
The child was around 3 years of age. When it was inquired about why he was crying, he was quick to say “ye M ego” (give me money).
His visiting uncle asked him what he needed money for and the innocent child replied “cookies! I want to use it and buy cookies”.
The visiting uncle never believed that a child of such age already had an idea of what money was at that tender age.
He gave his nephew N100 and the child ran quickly to a nearby kiosk with the help of one of his older sisters who is also around the ages of 6 and 7.
Because of the love people have for money they are easily scammed.
It is normal to seek money but giving it exceptional love can lure you to going to any mile just to make the money.
Scammers realize the very fact that people can be easily deceived because of their love for money, they are easily scammed.
2. Governmental failure
Another reason why people easily fall for scammers is a result of the government’s failure to carry out its primary responsibilities.
Every year, higher institutions in Nigeria keep on introducing or admitting new students. Also, that same year of admission, a teaming population of students are retired or graduated from school.
Unfortunately, after graduation, there is no hope for a white-collar job.
Someone would always say, how would you feel after spending years in school you will end up being an employee to an illiterate or someone who had no access to higher education.
Because of this government’s failure people now indulge in many other ways to make money.
In light of this, they end up becoming scammers or the scammed.
3. Lack of jobs can make people get scammed easily
Just like I explained earlier. Lack of jobs has also contributed to why people can be easily scammed.
You can’t tell me that you have a well-paying job and you are still looking around where to make more money.
I understand that the majority of mankind is full of greed and the desire to earn more.
But when there is the availability of jobs, the story of people being scammed regularly will reduce drastically.
4. Effects of money
Money alone has its special effects. Money can make you do what you never wanted to do.
Some time ago I sat outside the house alone with both my palms clinched to my jaw.
I began to imagine how on earth the family would survive with a monthly salary of 50k.
It was at this point I came to remembered why my dad always sits outside the house sitting also in that position.
Those days we were kids and never knew what our father normally did each time he went outside the house sitting in that position.
He is always thinking about what he must do to sustain the family.
The effects of money are something else. It can make you do things you don’t want to do.
At the end of the day, you become a victim of scammers easily.
5. Unquenchable desire for material possessions
Just like in the Igbo dialect people with an unquenchable desire for material possessions are called “Ndi oke ochicho”
These kinds of people are easily scammed. Their desire to obtain material things sometimes lands them in the wrong hands.
They end up giving away the little they had because of their undying love to have everything.
6. People are easily scammed because of Lacking contentment
The inability to get satisfied with the little you have will always land you into serious trouble.
Lack of contentment is a very serious bad spirit that must be overcome.
When you are not satisfied with what you have, you’ll see yourself wanting to have more and at the end of the day, you make yourself a victim to scammers.
7. Urgent need for money
This is another reason why people are easily scammed.
The urgent need for money ends up landing the individual involved in the hands of the bad ones.
Some time ago, a hustler with 10k had a pressing issue of about 50k to settle in the next four days.
He knew that there was nothing he could do to make such an amount within the shortest period.
The young man went online and joined a make-quick-money platform.
There he was promised of making 10x of what he deposits.
Due to the urgency of his needs, he “invested” the only 10k he had.
Unfortunately, days past he didn’t get anything. He was unable to attend to the 50k pressing issue. Even the only 10k he had embarked on a long journey of no return.
8. People easily get scammed because of Easy trust

Easily trusting people can sometimes mean the negative.
Having an easy trust in things sometimes can land you into trouble.
Someone might tell you something about anything, and boom! You have believed that person without asking further questions.
People easily fall into the hands of scammers because they are easily deceived.
9. Illiteracy
Another set of people who are easily duped of their money are illiterates who have no idea about how scammers operate.
Illiteracy, just like what one of the Nigerian top musicians, Gozie Okeke sang, is a disease.
Indeed, illiteracy is a disease. An illiterate can see danger before him or her without noticing it.
These sets of people are top patronizers of scammers and it is always the joy of a scammer to meet a rich illiterate.
10. People are easily scammed because of Greed
Wanting “everything” both big and small is greediness. In Nigerian Pidgin English, it is called “Big-eye”.
The desire to have more is tricky and has on many occasions landed people in the wrong direction.
You must try to avoid being greedy, otherwise you will end up like the others.
It is because of greed that a lot of people end up with scammers.
Have you heard about the case of the extinct Money Making Machine (MMM)?
Tell me, how on earth would someone who already had 100k from an unsure website will not withdraw it until it gets to 1M.
If it was not greed what else would you classify it as?
It is pure greed. I learnt that many died of heartbreak when the company folded.
Some committed suicide because they “invested” so to say monies they borrowed from people.
I had a colleague who told me how he nearly took his life if not for the swift intervention of his wife.
Greed is evil and scammers feast a hell lot from those who are greedy.
Wrapping up
People are easily scammed by scammers either because they were unsuspecting any of such to happen or because they wanted more (greed).
Learn to avoid scammers’ tactics. Be content with what you have and always follow legal means to make yourself rich.
Hope this article was helpful. Feel free to leave your comments behind.