For you to start getting paid from Google AdSense you’ll need to verify your identity by entering in the available box the 6-digit codes AdSense will send to your provided address.
This means that Google will have to send a 6-digit number unique to your publisher account to your home address.
Depending on your location, it takes approximately two to four weeks for the code to arrive at your location.
Google wants to verify your identity to ensure that you are the real owner of the account.
From my experience, I would like to share some of the advice I would give to anybody who wants to apply for AdSense PIN verification.
Before I got my PIN from my post office, I waited for it for more than five months before it finally arrived.
By that time, Google stopped showing ads on my blog until I verified my address.
It is usually the last form of the verification process that you will need to face before getting paid.
Google allows you to request the code at least three consecutive times. If after you have exhausted the three attempts, you will need to verify it using a different method
However, that isn’t the line you want to follow.
It is better to have the PIN sent to your address instead of using the second method.

Before you apply for an AdSense identity verification PIN, I would advise you to do the following first.
Enquire the real address of your post office
Before you think of applying, make it a point of duty to find out the address number of your post office.
AdSense usually sends mail to post offices near or available in your area.
To avoid making the mistake of sending your PIN to an unknown Post office, take it as a point of duty to find out the real address of your post office.
This taught me a great lesson and I am writing this post to help you avoid facing the same situation.
In my case, I added the address of my home and when I went to find out from my post office, after one month, they told me that no mail came to them.
I applied again using the same address and after another month, nothing showed up. I decided to wait for an additional month with the hope that there was a possible delay.
After three months of not verifying my address, AdSense stopped showing ads on my blog. Of course, it is a part of their policies. They will stop showing ads after three months of you not being able to verify your address.
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For the third time, I tried utilizing the last attempt. In the process of wanting to click “Resend PIN”, I thought of going first to the post office to know their address.
When I got the Post office’s address, I realized that both their postal code and address were completely different from my home postal code and address.
I entered the new address including my phone number before I reapplied for a new PIN.
Boom! After three months, I got a call from the post office. They told me that I got a message from Google AdSense. At the mention of that alone, I knew that my PIN had arrived.
I quickly drove to the post office and retrieved the mail. I decided to wait for another two days before adding the code. The reason for that was for me to calm my nerves because I was too excited.
I didn’t want to make any unnecessary mistakes. I opened the package and saw these 6-bold numbers written in fine blue colour. After I entered the 6 codes in the box, I waited patiently for the warning message on my AdSense dashboard to disappear.
Within 20 minutes, the warning message I usually get each time I log into my AdSense dashboard has disappeared.
My ads started running again and of course, I started cashing out after adding my bank account details.
Make sure the post office is still working
Another big mistake you will make is to send to Google the address of a Post office that has been out of service.
See it as a point of duty to enquire if the Post office is still working or if they have gone extinct.
It will save you a long time of waiting. With this done, you don’t need to waste another application attempt. A one-time attempt will be enough to get you your mail.
Note: If Google sends your PIN to a different address, another PIN they will send to your new preferred address will be the same thing as the previous one they sent. That is to say, both the previous and the current PIN are the same.
Add a phone number to your address
Another easy way to get your PIN quickly is by adding your phone number to the address you provided.
For your phone number to appear there it will help the Post office workers to easily reach out to you to inform you about the arrival of your mail.
If you don’t do this, there is a possibility of your mail getting to your Post office without you knowing.
Because there is no available number for them to call, the mail will remain with them.
This is why it is important to add your number to the address so that the Post office personnel can reach out to you when it arrives.
After Applying, Do this:
I guess that by now you have applied for the Google AdSense PIN verification.
Below are some of the things I will encourage you to do after applying for the PIN.
Keep on writing
Don’t wait for your PIN to arrive before you can continue posting new content or before correcting or updating your posts.
Keep on blogging new content while you patiently wait for the arrival of your PIN. You wouldn’t want to keep your visitors starving of new content because you are waiting for an AdSense PIN.
Keep them updated with new posts while you wait for the arrival of your PIN.
Have patience
Patience is another factor you must possess when waiting for Google AdSense.
If you are leaving outside the US, UK and Canada, it usually takes weeks for your PIN to arrive at your location.
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Patience is greatly needed here. If you are the type of person that doesn’t have patience, there is a great tendency you will exhaust the three attempts given to you.
And when the PIN did not show up as soon as possible, you give up.
Bro, things are not done that way. If you did the above things I mentioned in this post, trust me, your address will arrive.
This by implication means that you should exercise a little patience for your PIN to arrive.
If after one month of waiting and you didn’t see anything, go to your Post office and confirm if the PIN has arrived or not.
Most times, it is available but there is no way they can reach the owner.
So, take your time and visit the Post office and enquire if they received any mail from Google AdSense bearing your name.
Check on them after four weeks
Like I said earlier, if there is no indication of your PIN arriving, reach out to your Post office after one month and enquire if your post is available there or not.
Enter the six codes correctly
Entering the 6-digit PIN is not something you would want to do in a hurry or out of excitement.
Take your time and enter the PIN. If possible, give it a day before you enter them.
This is because if you enter the wrong PIN more than three times there is a possibility of your account being blocked.
In my case, I allowed myself to rest from the excitement. After two days I entered the PIN and of course, it was correct.
You are free to enter your code the same time you get it but try as much as possible to ensure that the numbers were carefully and correctly entered.
Wrapping up
Making money from your site is one of the exciting aspects of blogging activities.
The AdSense identity verification is important for all AdSense users before they can start receiving payments.
To get your PIN sent to your address and your site verified without any form of delay, enquire about the address of the Post office, enter your phone number and check on them after one month.
I will be glad to hear that this was helpful to you.