Not all students have the desire to make money. The reason is that not all students come from rich homes.
An alarming percentage of children born with a silver spoon don’t care about hustling to make money. This is because their parents already have enough money for them.
Only a few want to make their own money without paying attention to the wealth their parents had acquired.
Shifting to some students from poor backgrounds, a good number of them are ready to do anything to make money.
I have had the experience where students skip classes to make money to pay up some fees.
If these students had the opportunity of the fortunate ones they wouldn’t be on the streets seeking ways to survive.
In this post, we shall discuss how you can start making money as a student without skipping classes.
The only things required to succeed in any of the below-discussed points are having the right mindset and patience.
So having discussed this so far let’s start discussing what are the things a student can do to make money without missing classes.
7 Ways students can make money without skipping classes

I tag them “Green” because they are things that last. Even after school, you would still want to continue with it.
And another interesting thing about this is the very fact that you can build your dream house, buy your dream house and earn a living from it.
1. Create a YouTube channel
Is creating a YouTube channel still relevant this year? Of course yes. Never believe that YouTube will lose its value unless it is banned from the operation.
YouTube is one of the sure ways you can make money online as a student.
YouTube is a video-sharing platform where almost all videos of any kind are found.
It is understood that thousands if not millions of videos are uploaded daily on the platform.
Interestingly, the platform boasts billions of views daily.
Many people have accounts with YouTube but not all of them make money from the platform.
You can only make money from the platform if and only if you know what you are doing.
As a student, you can make money from YouTube by recording videos of what you can do best and sharing them on the platform.
If after crossing the YouTube laid down rules for monetization you can apply for monetization and start earning huge from the platform.
Almost all blogs on the internet are encouraging you to create an account with YouTube if you want to start your online money-making journey.
That is to tell you how real it is for you to make money with the platform.
I do not know what you are still waiting for. Why not start immediately?
2. Students make money through blogs
Owning a blog is yet another lucrative business a student can start and start making money.
There is more to blogging than what you see online. With blogging, you can turn your life and that of your family around without noticing it.
Making Money from blogging is super hard but when the money starts flowing, you will never remember your days of suffering.
The easiest way to scale or make huge money from blogging is when you understand what Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is all about.
Knowledge of this will not only give you money from your blog when you apply it, but it will also give you a huge amount of money when you want to teach others or apply it to others.
In short, SEO is a digital skill that brings green wealth to the bearer.
This means that your knowledge of SEO will yield you many monetary gifts that you can never imagine.
As a student, it would be a cool idea if you start blogging.
One interesting thing is that owning a blog is not that expensive.
You can create a free blog with Google’s Blogspot or buy and host a less expensive one with either Bluehost or Harmonweb or Speedyconnect.
3. Sell gigs online
What digital skills do you have? What digital product can you produce? Why not sell it online?
You will be missing out a lot if you can do anything relating to ICT and you don’t know that you can sell such products online.
Many create things like applications, ebooks, and lots more.
They identify the right online market and publish them for possible sale.
With Amazon, you can sell your ebooks, products and what have you.
If you know how to create website plugins, themes etc you are welcome to find better markets for them.
What is more important is your ability to create any of these products.
People are in dear need of solutions to their problems. If you can identify these problems and proffer solutions to them, trust me, you will be making millions in dollars because a lot of people are ready to pay anything just to have their problems solved.
4. Sell tutorials
Unlike the above, here you sell your knowledge on what you know about a particular product.
Let’s say you can create a website from scratch and you can teach people how to do it on their own, you are welcome to make that video and publish it for sale in any of the relevant markets.
5. Apply to “Do the task and get paid sites”
Task paying sites unlike the above-discussed points won’t make you rich but rather put money in your pockets.
A site like or among many others can pay you for doing or carrying out some tasks within the app.
There are many platforms out there that promise to pay you for completing tasks within the app.
The ones I’ve mentioned are the ones I am sure are genuine because I have used them before.
You are welcome to check out other “Do Tasks And Get Paid Sites”.
6. Students can make money by Advertise their skills
Advertising your skill is another thing you can do to make money as a student.
Though an advertisement alone won’t bring the money because someone has to see it and get in touch with you.
Therefore, if you know of any skill you have that can help solve people’s problems go to your social media handles and advertise your expertise.
Also at school, you can equally advertise your skills if you think that such skills will be of benefit to them.
Always remember to start up a business in the right environment.
The school shouldn’t be a place where you advertise building materials.
Know what is relevant for the environment and exploit it.
7. Solve academic problems for people
Do you know that you can make good money as a student by helping your fellow students solve some academic problems?
Except you are NOT knowledgeable enough to solve such a problem.
I know of many students back in my old days in school that paid their school fees through the money they got from their fellow students.
After helping a student solve a particular problem they get rewarded for it.
If you can do this, trust me, you won’t beg for food in school.
Making Money online, especially as a student, is a very difficult journey.
It is never easy especially when you lack patience and the spirit of perseverance.
No person made huge money online in a day. It needs mastery of the skills and principles involved.
Therefore as a student, you can make money without missing classes. See to it that you manage your academic timing well and other time slated for your other activities well.
Hope this was helpful. Please feel free to share with us your own experience.